As we end 2024 and look ahead to 2025, we catalog our successes and evaluate our strategic goals for the upcoming year.

To highlight a few:

1. RE-IMAGINE CAMPAIGN: IMA maintains a national network of multi-purpose brick-and-mortar offices where we perform high-quality medical, psychological, and ancillary exams and services.  In the upcoming year, we are launching a “RE-IMAgine campaign” Re-IMAgine The Claimant Experience At The IMA Group to enhance our claimants’ experience by improving the physical environment of our offices with a redesigned look, new artwork and accessories.  We embrace our mission by highlighting our initials:

I-M-A:  Integrity, Meaningful Impact, and Accuracy and at the same time focusing more deeply on our claimant’s experience. 

2. PROVIDER NETWORK: IMA’s large network of high-quality licensed providers is essential to what we do.  As we grow, we must continue to build our dedicated provider panel to offer more depth and breadth of services to our clients.  In addition to individual provider recruitment, we will be building out our network development function to onboard larger groups of providers.

3. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EXPANSION: As a large national network of behavioral health providers, IMA is uniquely positioned in the industry to be able to offer psychological evaluations of all different types and be a thought leader in tackling some of the harder to answer evaluation needs (i.e. early risk identification for return to work, pre-employment and fitness for duty).

With IMA entering its 35th year in operation, we are very proud of and humbled by our journey and excited about our future!